Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So during my first night in Beijing, we set off fireworks! Yay! I don't even remember the last time I set off fireworks. Anyways, it was a lot of fun and surprisingly, you could do it anywhere you wanted to. We set them off in the middle of a small street intersection inside this apartment complex only like 15ft from the buildings. Also, since my relatives live on the top floor of their apartment complex, I got to see tons of other people's fireworks. And these aren't baby fireworks either, these are the real thing. It almost looks like everyone is putting on a small professional fireworks display. And since people are setting off fireworks all week (and I mean ALL WEEK, they were setting them off as early as 7am and as late as 2am) you can pretty much watch fireworks all the time if you wanted to. Oh, and everyone's car alarms were going crazy too. It was a very fun week for fireworks =). Here are some shots I managed to catch.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Beijing Airport

So after getting off the plane, everyone had to take an airport tram to get to the main terminal and this was the sign at the tram station. I thought this was just hilarious since it tells everyone to just chill the hell out and not to worry about missing a tram.

Also hilarious was one of the signs in the bathroom at the airport. I mean, I know it's for my convenience, but shouldn't it be for EVERYONE'S convenience too? This also reminds me of one of Ricky Gervais's jokes about his favorite leaflet, it's almost like they're saying "Why not lock the door?" as if it's something casual and not mandatory.

Finally, here's a photo of the actual inside of the airport. Sorry if these images aren't the best, they were taken with my cellphone, but like I said, the inside is pretty sweet. The roof has this cloth-like shape and the place just looks massive. Just look at all that wide open space!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

First shot in China

This was the first shot I took in China. Obviously, this is at the airport, but I just loved how ordered these things were. And if you look close enough, you can see a reflection of yours truly (it's one of the few shots I have of myself in China). Anyways, the new airport is awesome. It's super new and is well designed. I'll post a shot of the inside later, but I think it's pretty sweet. It's also huge as well.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm back!

Whew! I just got back from 2 weeks in Beijing and 1 week in Tokyo. Well, I've really been back for a week and a half, but now I'm ready to post some photos and write about my trip. Anyways, I loved my trip and had tons of fun, ate lots of wonderful and delicious food, and hopefully came back with some good photos. Here's one to start everything off. It was taken at the Forbidden City, which served as the home to the Emperor of China for almost 5 centuries. You can read more about this place on Wikipedia but all I have to say is that this place is enormous (~1800 acres). I don't remember it being this big when I was little, but man is it huge. Anyways, here's the pic: